OpenAI Examples

Solving programming puzzles with OpenAI

One Twitter user, @ostwilkens, recently shared some examples of how OpenAI can be used to solve various programming puzzles. @ostwilkens used OpenAI to solve a puzzle from the popular Advent of Code challenge. For those unfamiliar with Advent of Code, it is an annual event in which participants are given a series of programming puzzles to solve. Using OpenAI, @ostwilkens was able to quickly and easily solve one of the Advent of Code puzzles.

Based on the example of @ostwilkens I’ve created an example to solve a tasks from Cyberdojo, an online platform that offers a wide range of programming challenges and exercises.

But OpenAI isn’t just limited to solving coding challenges. It can also be used to create diagrams and other visual outputs. In another example, OpenAI is used to generate an UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram. UML diagrams are used to visualize the components and relationships within a system, and OpenAI was able to create a detailed and accurate diagram in just a few minutes.

Finally, OpenAI is used to create a simple HTML page with a snow fall animation. This may not seem like a difficult task for a human programmer, but for a machine learning model it is a significant achievement. OpenAI was able to generate the HTML code for the page, complete with the snow fall animation, in just a few seconds.

Overall, these examples show the power and potential of OpenAI for solving a wide range of programming puzzles. Whether you’re working on a challenging coding challenge, creating diagrams, or building a simple HTML page, OpenAI can help you get the job done quickly and accurately. So next time you’re stuck on a programming puzzle, don’t hesitate to give OpenAI a try.

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Written on December 9, 2022